calculus review 01

Posted on March 28, 2022 by Furyton
Tags: caluclus, review


linear transformations

measure of matrices: \(\left \rVert A\right \lVert_F^2\)

triagle inq in matrices: \(\rVert AB \lVert\le \rVert A\lVert\rVert B\lVert\)

neighborhood of \(x\), exist an open ball init

closure \(\bar{A}\), smallest close set that contains A

interior \(\mathring{A}\), largest open set that is contained in A

boundary of subset, \(\partial A\)

convergence of sequence, in terms of coordinates

limits of multivariable functions: continuity is preserved under dot product operation

continuity: the preimage of a neighborhood of \(f(x)\) is also a neighborhood of x

uniform continuity: linear transformations are uniform continuity

convergence of the sum of series (vectors): absolute(norm in vector cases) convergence implies convergence

complext exponentials

euler formular: \(e^{it}=cost+isint\)

geometric series of matrices:

bounded: subset \(X\subset \R^n\) is bounded if it is contained in some ball centered at the origin

compact: nonempty subset \(C\subset \R^n\) is compact if it is closed and bounded

important theorem