calculus review 01




March 28, 2022


linear transformations

measure of matrices: \(\left \rVert A\right \lVert_F^2\)

triangle inq in matrices: \(\rVert AB \lVert\le \rVert A\lVert\rVert B\lVert\)

the neighborhood of \(x\), exist an open ball init

closure \(\bar{A}\), the smallest close-set that contains A

interior \(\mathring{A}\), the largest open set that A contains

the boundary of subset, \(\partial A\)

convergence of a sequence, in terms of coordinates

limits of multivariable functions: continuity is preserved under dot product operation

continuity: the preimage of a neighborhood of \(f(x)\) is also a neighborhood of x

uniform continuity: linear transformations are uniform continuity

convergence of the sum of series (vectors): absolute(norm in vector cases) convergence implies convergence

complex exponentials

  • complex exponential series converges: \(e^z=1+z+\frac{z^2}{2!}+\dots=\sum_{k=0}^\infty \frac{z^k}{k!}\), since the absolute series converges

euler formular: \(e^{it}=cost+isint\)

geometric series of matrices:

  • \(S=I+A+A^2+\dots\) converges to \((1-A)^{-1}\) if \(\lVert A \rVert \lt 1\)

  • the set of invertible n by n matrices is open

bounded: subset \(X\subset \mathbb{R}^n\) is bounded if it is contained in some ball centered at the origin

compact: nonempty subset \(C\subset \mathbb{R}^n\) is compact if it is closed and bounded

important theorem

  • Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem: a compact set C contains a seq, then that seq has a convergent sub seq whose limit is in C

  • a continuous function on a compact set achieves its minimum and maximum

  • the mean value theorem

  • continuity on a compact set is uniform continuity

  • the fundamental theorem of algebra



differentiable means \(f\) can be well approximated at \(x=a\) by a linear transformation

let \(f:\mathcal{U}\to\mathbb{R}^m\) where \(\mathcal{U}\) is a open subset of \(\mathbb{R}^n\)

\(D_if(a)\) means the partial derivative on the i-th value. It is an m by 1 vertical vector

we can treat it like the mapped element from \(e_i\)

\(Df(a)\) is an m by n matrix where we stack \(D_i\)’s in a row

the precise def of the derivative is as below:

\(Df(a)\) is a linear transformation from \(\mathbb{R}^n\) to \(\mathbb{R}^m\), s.t.

\[ \lim_{h\to 0}\frac{1}{|h|}\left( (f(a+h)-f(a)) - [Df(a)]h\right )=0 \]

Jacobian matrix

Jacobian matrix now fits this definition and don’t need for any transpose.

note the existence of Jacobian matrix does not mean differentiable, except that we let \(f\) to be continuously differentiable. I won’t present any examples of why and how. We just need to focus on the \(C^1\) functions from now on :

for some cases where the domain is not the subspace of Euclidiean space, we may need to use the definition of derivative instead of the Jacobian matrix.

e.g. 1

\(\mathcal{S}:Mat(n,n)\to Mat(n,n)\) given by \(S(A)=A^2\)


e.g. 2

\(f(A)=A^{-1}\) defined on invertible n by n matrices


about gradient

\[ grad\ f(a)=\vec{\nabla} f(a)=[D_1f(a),\dots, D_nf(a)]^\intercal \]

where \(f:\mathbb{R}^n\to \mathbb{R}\)

From my POV, gradient is the solution of the fastest increasing direction at some point \(a\) and it happens to be the (transpose of) derivative. note the transpose has its meaning, it makes the grad lying in the domain.

furthermore, from how we get the solution, we should have an inner-product defined on the domain space, which is not the case in the def of derivative.

directional derivative

directional derivative of \(f\) at \(a\) in the derection \(\vec{v}\)

\[ [Df(a)]\vec{v} \]

this is how linear transformation works.


  1. constant function: 0

  2. linear function: itself

  3. \(\mathbf{f}=(f_1,\dots,f_m)^\intercal\) then


  4. \([D(f+g)(a)]=[Df(a)]+[Dg(a)]\)

  5. \(f:U\to \mathbb{R}\) and \(\mathbf{g}:U\to \mathbb{R}^m\)

    \[ [D(f\mathbf{g})]\vec{v}=f(a) [D\mathbf{g}(a)]\vec{v}+([Df(a)]\vec{v})\mathbf{g}(a) \]

  6. \[\left[D\left(\frac{\mathbf{g}}{f}\right)(a)\right]\vec{v}=\frac{[D\mathbf{g}(a)]\vec{v}}{f(a)}-\frac{([Df(a)]\vec{v})g(a)}{f^2(a)}\]

  7. dot product \(\mathbf{f}:U\to \mathbb{R}^m\)

    \[ [D(\mathbf{f}\cdot\mathbf{g})]\vec{v}=\mathbf{f}(a)\cdot[D\mathbf{g}(a)]\vec{v}+([D\mathbf{f}(a)]\vec{v})\cdot\mathbf{g}(a) \]

  8. chain rule

    \[[D(f\circ g)(a)]=[Df(g(a))][Dg(a)]\]
