calculus review 02
the great row reduction
can be used for computing ranks, solving systems of linear equations, etc.
Given \(\mathbf{A}_{m\times n}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{b}\)
\([\mathbf{A}\mid\mathbf{b}]\) row reduces to \([\tilde{\mathbf{A}}\mid\tilde{\mathbf{b}}]\), determine the case of the solutions.
square matrix can be approximated by invertible matrices (replace zeros in the diagonal entries of the row reduced matrix with \(1/n\)).
the dim of the image
row rank = column rank
Vector Space
“contrete to abstract” function \(\Phi_{v}\)
A linear transformation from contrete \(\mathbb{R}^n\) coordinate representation to abstract vector space \(V\)
\[ \Phi_{\{\mathbf{v}\}}(\mathbf{a})=\Phi_{\{\mathbf{v}\}}\left(\begin{matrix}a_1\\\vdots\\a_n\end{matrix}\right)=a_1\mathbf{v_1}+\cdots+a_n\mathbf{v_n}, \]
where \(\{\mathbf{v}\}\) is the set of base vectors of \(V\).
Change of bases \(P_{\{\mathbf{v}'\}\to \{\mathbf{v}\}}\)
where \(\sum_ia_i\mathbf{v}_i'=\sum_ib_i\mathbf{v}_i\)
In other words,
\[P_{\{\mathbf{v}'\}\to \{\mathbf{v}\}}=\Phi_{\{\mathbf{v}'\}}^{-1}\Phi_{\{\mathbf{v}\}}\]
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
eigenvectors with different eigenvalues are linearly independent.
Newton’s Method
why talking about Newton’s Method?
a convenient and practical way to introduce implicit function and inverse function
target: solve for a solution \(f(x)=0\)
start at \(a_0\)
iterate with \(a_i=a_{i-1}-[Df(a_{i-1})]^{-1}f(a_{i-1})\)
notes: since \(f(x)\approx f(a)+[Df(a)](x-a)\), letting \(f(x)=0\) will give us the next guess.
There is actually a sufficient condition to ensure the convergence.
Kantorovich’s theorem
let \(a_0\in\mathbb{R}^n\), \(U\): open neighborhood of \(a_0\) in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), \(f:U\to\mathbb{R}^n\)
def \(h_0=-[Df(a_0)]^{-1}f(a_0)\), \(a_1=a_0+h_0\), \(U_1=B_{|h_0|}(a_1)\), \(M\) as the Lipschitz ratio of \(Df(x)\) in \(U_1\)
theorem: if \(|f(a_0)||[Df(a_0)]^{-1}|^2M\le\frac{1}{2}\), then \(f(x)=0\) has a unique solution in the closed ball \(\overline{U_1}\) and Newton’s Method converges to it with initial guess \(a_0\).
notes 1: in short, \(a_1\) is the next guess
notes 2: a valid value of Lipschitz ratio
If \(|D_kD_jf_i(x)|\le c_{i,j,k}\)
\[\left(\sum_{1\le i,j,k\le n}c_{i,j,k}^2\right)^{1/2}\]
is valid
def \(U_0=\{x\mid |x-a_0|\lt 2|h_0|\}\)
If \(Df\) satisfy Lipschitz condition in \(U_0\), then \(f(x)=0\) has a unique solution in \(\overline{U_0}\) and Newton’s Method converges to it.
If the product is strictly less than \(1/2\), then Newton’s Method superconverges.
If \(|h_n|\le\frac{1}{c}\), for \(c\) some constant depend on \(f\), then
\[|h_{n+m}|\le \frac{1}{c}\cdot\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{2m},\]
where \(h_i=a_{i+1}-a_{i}\).
stronger version
replace all lengths of matrices with norms.
norm of a matrix \(A\)
\[\lVert A\rVert=\sup_{|x|=1} |A\mathbf{x}|\]
easy to check: \(\lVert A\rVert\le |A|\)
inverse function theorem
\(f\) is continously differentiable
\(Df\) is invertible at \(x_0\)
then \(f\) is locally invertible, with differentiable inverse in some neighborhood of \(f(x_0)\)
the vigorous version is too lengthy, I am not gonna put it here.
As you might expect, the locality can actually be quantified by Kantorovich’s theorem.
implicit function theorem
\(U\): a open subset of \(\mathbb{R}^{n+m}\)
\(\mathbf{F}:U\to\mathbb{R}^n\) a \(C^1\) mapping s.t. \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{c})=0\) and \([D\mathbf{F}(c)]\) is onto
then the system of linear equations \(D\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{x})=0\) has n pivotal vars and m nonpivotal vars. there exists a neighborhood of \(\mathbf{c}\) where \(\mathbf{F}(\mathbf{c})=0\) implicitly defines the n passive vars as a function \(\mathbf{g}\) of the m active vars.
notes 1: \(\mathbf{F}\) behaves similar to \(D\mathbf{F}\) locally.
in a normal system of linear equations \(\mathbf{Ax}=0\), where \(\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{m+n}\), \(\textrm{rank }\mathbf{A}=n\), the dimension of the kernel space of \(\mathbf{A}\) is m which corresponds to the m active vars (the base of the kernel).
notes 2: again, the rigorous version is a little lengthy.
not like the existence theorem, which only claims the existence of the inverse function or the implicit function, using Newton’s Method gives us a more practical way to find the function and a more quantified result.