unsupervised model related


Shiguang WU


September 8, 2022

quick notes while reading unsupervised model related part in ESL


  • tangent distance

  • Invariant Metrics and Tangent Distance (Simard et al., 1993)


  1. find clusters,

  2. recompute the cluster centers

K-means for classification

  1. apply K-means for each class, using R prototypes per class (K in total)

  2. assign a label for each prototypes (K x R in total)

  3. classify new x to the nearest prototype

Learning Vector Quantization

  • cons of vanilla K-means classification:

    • other samples of different class won’t involve in the position of other class
  • for a random training sample, move the closest prototype a bit (towards or away)

Gaussian mixture

  • assign weight for each cluster (gaussian density)

discriminant adaptive nearest-neighbor (DANN)

  • \(\varSigma=W^{-1/2}[B^*+\epsilon I]W^{-1/2}\)

  • \(\varSigma^{1/2} (x-x_0)=\textrm{circle}\)

  • \(W\) normalization, spheres the data

  • \(B\) stretch, assign larger weights to the directions with larger covariance.

Market Basket Analysis

  • The Apriori Algorithm

  • discover association rules with high support values and confidence

Unsupervised as Supervised Learning

  • reference density function

Generalized Association Rules (NOT UNDERSTAND)

Clustering Analysis

Dissimilarity Based on Attributes (dissimilarity defined individually on each attributes)

  • Quantitative variables:
    • \(\ell(\textrm{abs}(x_i-x_j))\) \(\rightarrow\) squared-error loss, identity (just \(\textrm{abs}\))


  • Ordinal variables

  • Categorical variables

Object Dissimilarity (combining the p-individual attribute dissimilarities)

  • weighted average