unsupervised model related
quick notes while reading unsupervised model related part in ESL
tangent distance
Invariant Metrics and Tangent Distance (Simard et al., 1993)
find clusters,
recompute the cluster centers
K-means for classification
apply K-means for each class, using R prototypes per class (K in total)
assign a label for each prototypes (K x R in total)
classify new x to the nearest prototype
Learning Vector Quantization
cons of vanilla K-means classification:
- other samples of different class won’t involve in the position of other class
for a random training sample, move the closest prototype a bit (towards or away)
Gaussian mixture
- assign weight for each cluster (gaussian density)
discriminant adaptive nearest-neighbor (DANN)
\(\varSigma=W^{-1/2}[B^*+\epsilon I]W^{-1/2}\)
\(\varSigma^{1/2} (x-x_0)=\textrm{circle}\)
\(W\) normalization, spheres the data
\(B\) stretch, assign larger weights to the directions with larger covariance.
Market Basket Analysis
The Apriori Algorithm
discover association rules with high support values and confidence
Unsupervised as Supervised Learning
- reference density function
Generalized Association Rules (NOT UNDERSTAND)
Clustering Analysis
Dissimilarity Based on Attributes (dissimilarity defined individually on each attributes)
- Quantitative variables:
- \(\ell(\textrm{abs}(x_i-x_j))\) \(\rightarrow\) squared-error loss, identity (just \(\textrm{abs}\))
Ordinal variables
Categorical variables
Object Dissimilarity (combining the p-individual attribute dissimilarities)
- weighted average