notes on some concentration inequalities


Shiguang WU


March 11, 2024

the goal is to seek for an upperbound for the tail distribution, usually of the form

\[ P\{Z-\mathbb{E}Z\ge t\} \]

where \(t\gt 0\).

\[ P\{Y\ge t\}\le P\{\Phi(Y)\ge \Phi(t)\} \le \frac{\mathbb{E}\Phi(Y)}{\Phi(t)} \]

where \(\Phi(\cdot)\) is a nondecreasing and nonnegative function.

replace \(Y\) with \(|Z-\mathbb{E}Z|\) and taking \(\Phi(t)=t^2\),

\[ P\{|Z-\mathbb{E}Z|\ge t\}\le \frac{Var{Z}}{t^2} \]

more generally, use \(t^q\), and choose an optimal \(q\)

\[ P\{Z\ge t\}\le e^{-\lambda t}\mathbb{E}e^{\lambda Z}, \]

where \(\lambda\ge0\)

choose exponential family fn as \(\Phi(\cdot)\)

Chebyshev’s is sharper (generalized version, with optimal \(q\)), but Chernoff’s is more often used, mainly because the expectation of product decomposition property of sum of independent random vars.

Cramer-Chernoff method

logarithm of the MGF \(\Psi_Z(\lambda)=\log \mathbb{E}e^{\lambda Z}\)

we would like to minimize the right hand side of the inequality, which equivalently is to minimize the Cramer tranformer of Z,

\[ \Psi_Z^*(t)=\sup_{\lambda \le 0}(\lambda t-\Psi_Z(\lambda)) \]

if we allow \(\lambda\) to be in \(\mathbb{R}\), then it conincides with Fenchel-Lengedre dual.

  • convexity of log-MGF (using Holder’s inequality)

  • \(\Psi_Z(\lambda)\ge \lambda \mathbb{E}Z\) (using Jensen’s inequality)

  • if \(\Psi_Z(\lambda)\) is differentiable, then \(\lambda_t\) (optimal \(\lambda\)) is \((\Psi_Z')^{-1}(t)\) (strict convexity -> increasing derivative)