Understanding Machine Learning 01
formal def
domain set. a set of instances \(\mathcal{X}\)
label set. \(\mathcal{Y}\)
training data. finite sequence \(\mathcal{S}\) in \(\mathcal{X}\times \mathcal{Y}\)
learner. output a rule, \(h:\mathcal{X}\rightarrow\mathcal{Y}\). learning algorithm \(\mathcal{A(S)}\)
data-generation model. ideally, we assume (for sim) there exists a "correct" labeling funciton, \(f\). and \(\mathcal{S}\) is generated under an unknown distrib \(\mathcal{D}\), then labeling it using \(f\).
measurement. actually generalization error (risk or true error of \(f\))
\[ L_{\mathcal{D},f}(h):=\mathbb{P}_{x\sim D}[h(x)\neq f(x)]:=\mathcal{D}(\{x:h(x)\neq f(x)\}) \]
where \(\mathcal{D}\) desc the prob of the event of observation.
\(\mathcal{D}(A):=\mathbb{P}_{x\sim D}[\pi(x)]\), where \(\pi\) is the char func of whether it was observed. \(A={x\in \mathcal{X}:\pi(x)=1}\)
ERM (empirical risk minimization)
use training loss to approx generalization loss.
we may obtain a bunch of funcs just by ERM. so we need an inductive bias to set a preference on a certain funcs.
we choose the hypothesis space H before seeing the data. restric our search space of the ERM, otherwise we got a trivial useless solution.
before seeing the data \(\rightarrow\) should be based on some prior knowledge.
examples of H
finite H space
\(\mathcal{H}\) will not overfit provided a sufficiently large training set.
note: the class of axix-aligned rectangles could be finite if we consider it on a computer. (discrete repr of real numbers)
\(h_S\in argmin_{h\in H}L_s(h)\)
since S are randomly chosen, so \(h_S,L_{D,f}\) are actually random vars.
a few assumptions
a few assumptions on the PAC learnability
def the realizability assumption
there exists \(h^\star\in\mathcal{H}\) s.t. \(L_{D,f}(h^\star)=0\)
further, we have
\(\rightarrow L_S(h^\star)=0 \text{ with prob 1 over the S }\rightarrow L_S(h_S)=0\)
we are interested in \(L_{D,f}(h_S)\)
confidence param
we address a prob \(\delta\) of getting a very nonrepresentative training set (e.g all lie in class A). and \((1-\delta)\) is the confidence of our prediction.
accuracy param
we call \(L_{D,f}(h_S)\ge \epsilon\) as a failure of the learner, otherwise approx correct predictor.
So we're interested in the upper bound of prob to sample S that leads to the learner’s failure.
upper bound of
\[ D^m\{S|_x:L_{D,f}(h_S)\gt \epsilon\} \]
let \(H_B\) be the set of bad hypotheses
\[ \{h\in H: L_{D,f}\gt \epsilon\} \]
let M be the set of the misleading training set
\[ \{S|_x:\exists h\in H_B, L_S(h)=0\} \]
where \(S|_x\) is the instances of tr set
due to real.. assumption, only M will cause failure.
so only a subset of S from M will cause \(h_S\) to fail.
\[ \begin{align} &D^m\{S|_x:L_{D,f}(h_S)\gt \epsilon\} \\ \le& \sum_{h\in H_B}D^m\{S|_x:L_S(h)=0\}\\ =&\sum_{h\in H_B}\prod D\{x_i:h(x_i)=f(x_i)\} \end{align} \]
here, the countability of \(\mathcal{H}\) is used, and I think if we can control the order of \(|\mathcal{H}|\) and with more careful scaling (with more assumption or knowledge about the h's, like \(D^m\{S|_x:L_S(h)=0\}\) can be approx related to h) then we could have the inf conclusion, though maybe not that interesting, and there are other ways on it.
\[ D\{x_i:h(x_i)=f(x_i)\}=1-L_{D,f}(h)\le 1-\epsilon \]
so using a series of loose relaxation, we have
\[ D^m\{S|_x:L_{D,f}(h_S)\}\le |H_B|e^{-\epsilon m}\le |H|e^{-\epsilon m} \]
finite is used here
LHS is \(\delta\)
Note sometimes m should be really large to ensure with at least \(1-\delta\) confidence over the choice of S, every ERM hypothesis, \(h_S\) is approx correct.
small corollary
when hypothesis space is finite, then we can immediately have an upper bound for \(m_{\mathcal{H}}\)
\[ m_{\mathcal{H}}(\epsilon,\delta)\le \left \lceil \frac{log\left(|\mathcal{H}|/\delta\right)}{\epsilon} \right \rceil \]