Understanding Machine Learning 06
we will summarize different kinds of defs of learnability first
PAC learnability
H is PAC learnable if the realizability assumption holds and
\(\forall \epsilon,\delta\gt 0\), there exists a learner A and \(m_H(\epsilon,\delta)\) s.t. if \(m\ge m_H\)
for any D, with probability greater than \(1-\delta\) over the choice of \(S\sim D^m\)
\[ L_D(A(S))\le \epsilon \]
agnostic PAC learnability
H is agnostic PAC learnable if
\(\forall \epsilon,\delta\gt 0\), there exists a learner A and \(m_H(\epsilon,\delta)\) s.t. if \(m\ge m_H\)
for any D, with probability greater than \(1-\delta\) over the choice of \(S\sim D^m\)
\[ L_D(A(S))\le \min_{h\in H}\{L_D(h)\}+\epsilon \]
uniform convergence property
H enjoys the uniform convergence property if
\(\forall \epsilon,\delta \gt 0\), there exists \(m_H^{UC}(\epsilon, \delta)\) s.t. if \(m\ge m_H^{UC}\)
for any D, with probability greater than \(1-\delta\) over the choice of \(S\sim D^m\), \(\forall h\in H\)
\[ |L_S(h) - L_D(h)|\le\epsilon \]
these defination of learnibility are equal according to the fundamental theory
here we have another def which has different power with the above
nonuniform learnability
we allow \(m_H\) to be non-uniform over h
H is nonuniform learnable if
\(\forall \epsilon,\delta\gt 0\) there exists a learner A and \(m_H^{NU}(\epsilon,\delta,h)\), s.t. for all \(h\in H\), if \(m\ge m_H^{NU}(\epsilon,\delta,h)\)
for any D, with probability greater than \(1-\delta\) over the choice of \(S\sim D^m\)
\[ L_D(A(S))\le L_D(h)+\epsilon \]
note when m is decided, and it is that makes non-uniform learnability weaker than PAC
H is nonuniform learnable iff H can be expressed as a union of countable \(H_i\) with uniform convergence property
we can easily construct H that is nonuniform learnable but not PAC learnable which means PAC learnability is stronger
generic learner
ERM is a fittable learer for PAC learnability
SRM (structural risk minimization) is a fittable learner for NU learnability
SRM requires us to provide more prior knowledge on the priority (weights) of \(H_i\)’s.
def \(\epsilon_n(m,\delta)=\min\{\epsilon\in (0,1):m_{H_n}^{UC}(\epsilon,\delta)\le m\}\) which means the minimum est error we can get with m samples
so given m samples
\[ \forall h\in H_n,|L_D(h)-L_S(h)|\le \epsilon_n(m,\delta) \]
note m here can be varied (I’m not so sure about this) or large enough (s.t. \(\forall n,\epsilon_n(m,\delta)\le \epsilon\)) during training
when we put this on a larger range (\(H_n\rightarrow H\)) directly, we can’t garantee we satisfy the \(\delta\) constraint, since each one has relatively low confidence \(1-\delta\). So we have to split the confidence to each \(H_i\), that is providing weights \(\sum_{n\in\mathbb{N}}w(n)\le 1\) on each \(\delta\) (use union bound inequality to merge it back)
to put it formally
given \(H=\cup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}H_n\) and \(\sum_{n\in\mathbb{N}}w(n)\le 1\), where \(H_i\) satisfy UC property, then
with probatility of at least \(1-\delta\) over the choice \(S\sim D^m\)
for any \(n\in\mathbb{N}\) and \(h\in H_n\)
\[ |L_D(h)-L_S(h)|\le \epsilon_n(m,w(n)\cdot \delta) \]
which implies for \(\forall h\in H\)
\[ L_D(h)\le L_S(h)+\min_{n:h\in H_n}\epsilon_n(m,w(n)\cdot\delta) \]
if we make it simpler (but looser), let \(n(h)=min\{n:h\in H_n\}\)
\[ L_D(h)\le L_S(h)+\epsilon_n(m,w(n(h))\cdot\delta) \]
SO, SRM is to minimizing the RHS
we can proof that \(L_D(A(S))\le L_D(h)+\epsilon\) with p at least \(1-\delta\) over the choice of S (if \(m\ge m_{H_{n(h)}}^{UC}(\epsilon/2,w(n(h))\cdot \delta)\))
in fact, any converged sumations should be ok for w, like \(w(n)=\frac{6}{n^2\pi^2}\)
intuitively, \(H_n\) with larger \(w(n)\) will need less samples since it is required for less confidence, we actually focus on some hypothesis classes instead of treat all \(H_n\) evenly.
second, if \(h_1\) and \(h_2\) has the same empirical risk, we will prefer the one with higher weight if using SRM
seems familiar? sounds like the principle Occam’s razor
description length
we now consider a countable \(H\). it can be expressed as a union of singleton class \(H_i=\{h_i\}\) and for each \(H_i\), \(m_{H_i}^{UC}(\epsilon,\delta)= \left\lceil\frac{log(2/\delta)}{2\epsilon^2}\right\rceil\)
then \(e_n(m,w(n(h))\cdot \delta)= \sqrt{\frac{-logw(n(h)) +log(2/\delta)}{2m}}\)
def description language \(\{0,1\}^\star\)
we assign each \(H_i\) with a description \(d(h)\) and denote \(|h|=|d(h)|\)
if S is a prefix-free set of strings, then
\[ \sum_{\sigma\in S}\frac{1}{2^{|\sigma|}}\le 1 \]
so \(w(h)=\frac{1}{2^{|h|}}\) is a legal weight function
and the hypothesis with smaller description length is preferable if they have the same risk
that’s the principle of Occam’s razor
if we let \(m_H\) further be dependent on the distribution, we have the def of consistency
a learner A is consistency with respect to H and P where P is the set of possible distribution D’s, if
\(\forall \epsilon,\delta\gt 0\) there exists a learner A and \(m_H^{NU}(\epsilon,\delta,h,D)\), s.t. for all \(h\in H\) and \(D\in P\), if \(m\ge m_H^{NU}(\epsilon,\delta,h,D)\)
with probability greater than \(1-\delta\) over the choice of \(S\sim D^m\)
\[ L_D(A(S))\le L_D(h)+\epsilon \]
if P is the set of all distributions, then A is universally consistent with respect to H
this def of learnability is even weaker than NU
the algorithm Memorize
is universally consistent which will be overfit in the context of PAC learnability!!! (for every countable domain and finite label set w.r.t. zero-one loss)
def Memorize(x)
return y if (x,y) in S else 0 # any default value
why different ability?
note when we determine the \(m\)
7.5. H that contains all functions is not nonuniform learnable
- conclusion: \(H=\cup_{n\in\mathbb{N}}H_n\), if H shatters an infinite set, the some \(H_n\) has infinite VC dim